Théâtre Clin d'œil
45800 - SAINT-JEAN-DE-BRAYECreated in 1986, the Compagnie Clin d'œil - Gérard Audax is based in Saint-Jean-de-Braye where it has a 65-seat auditorium, a fo...
What could possibly conceal the storm door of the Hôtel des Crénaux? From Rue Sainte-Catherine, the Passage du Saloir leads visitors to the delightful Place de la République where they can discover the courtyard and belfry of the Hôtel des Crénaux. Arched with rib vaults and supported by consoles sculpted into imaginary figures and animals, the 16th century hotel dates back to the time when salt was stored in cellars adjoining the passage where municipal magistrates were responsible for selling it to the people. With a magnificent 16th century façade, the Hôtel des Créneaux was home to the first city hall, followed by the headquarters of a court of law after the Revolution before finally housing the Orléans Fine Arts museum between 1825 and 1981.
What could possibly conceal the storm door of the Hôtel des Crénaux? From Rue Sainte-Catherine, the Passage du Saloir leads visitors to the delightful Place de la République where they can discover the courtyard and belfry of the Hôtel des Crénaux. Arched with rib vaults and supported by consoles sculpted into imaginary figures and animals, the 16th century hotel dates back to the time when salt was stored in cellars adjoining the passage where municipal magistrates were responsible for selling it to the people. With a magnificent 16th century façade, the Hôtel des Créneaux was home to the first city hall, followed by the headquarters of a court of law after the Revolution before finally housing the Orléans Fine Arts museum between 1825 and 1981.
What could possibly conceal the storm door of the Hôtel des Crénaux? From Rue Sainte-Catherine, the Passage du Saloir leads visitors to the delightful Place de la République where they can discover the courtyard and belfry of the Hôtel des Crénaux. Arched with rib vaults and supported by consoles sculpted into imaginary figures and animals, the 16th century hotel dates back to the time when salt was stored in cellars adjoining the passage where municipal magistrates were responsible for selling it to the people. With a magnificent 16th century façade, the Hôtel des Créneaux was home to the first city hall, followed by the headquarters of a court of law after the Revolution before finally housing the Orléans Fine Arts museum between 1825 and 1981.
What could possibly conceal the storm door of the Hôtel des Crénaux? From Rue Sainte-Catherine, the Passage du Saloir leads visitors to the delightful Place de la République where they can discover the courtyard and belfry of the Hôtel des Crénaux. Arched with rib vaults and supported by consoles sculpted into imaginary figures and animals, the 16th century hotel dates back to the time when salt was stored in cellars adjoining the passage where municipal magistrates were responsible for selling it to the people. With a magnificent 16th century façade, the Hôtel des Créneaux was home to the first city hall, followed by the headquarters of a court of law after the Revolution before finally housing the Orléans Fine Arts museum between 1825 and 1981.
Created in 1986, the Compagnie Clin d'œil - Gérard Audax is based in Saint-Jean-de-Braye where it has a 65-seat auditorium, a fo...
If you like the Loire, canoeing, cycling or walking, we welcome you, in the heart of a protected site, in this independent studi...